This is a able detached monostable circuit. This ambit abide of 2N3819 JFET and 2N3704 transistors. This monostable multivibrator ambit has added ascribe to accredit or arrest the action at any time after causing achievement pulse. The ascribe of this ambit acquire a accepted agenda IC voltage levels. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit:
The output’s timing aeon begins back the argumentation at ascribe B changes to high. This low to aerial alteration aftermath a baby beating that actuate the Q3, shorting briefly the beneficiary of Q2 to arena through Q1 to actuate the achievement and alpha the timing. If A ascribe is low again the aisle from Q3 to arena will be broken, and this action will arrest the ambit to get triggered. This apparatus accommodate the arrest or enable-disable apparatus after triggering the circuit. [Circuit's schematic diagram source: R. Tenny]